Gaming & Coding

Gaming and Coding here at Star Light,

We help young adults and children to focus and encourage learning through the art of technology.

We do this by means of coding real world applications, using micro controllers and small electronics such as LED’s, temperature sensors, OLED displays, resistors, robotic arms and many more. 

Using this method we help young adults and children learn many different skills, these include – 


Programming languages (C# – C++).

Problem solving.

Using their imagination to create new ideas and designs.

They also learn about different electronics and how they work.

Star Light also have 3d printers that we use to help with getting children to come up with creative ideas that they can then create a physical item using the 3d printer. 

We also have PS4 consoles and Virtual Reality head sets that are used to play light hearted games to relax the mind or entering a virtual world.